Welcome! This site provides in-depth information about the digital divide and digital opportunity in Texas.
Scroll to explore the big picture, read the Texas plan, access the Digital Opportunity Resource Finder, or dive deeper into data for your community.

The internet has transformed almost every aspect of our lives and society, but there is a growing divide between those who can fully access the benefits of the digital world and those who cannot.
It is time to bridge this divide. The internet is a necessity for education, work, health, safety and staying connected with friends and family. High-speed internet, computing devices, and the skills to use them should be accessible to everyone.
According to the US Census Bureau, Texas ranks 32 out of 50 for internet adoption.
Scroll to explore the digital divide and digital opportunity in Texas - and why this all matters for you and your community.
At the bottom, you can also access Texas' plan to expand digital opportunity, dive deeper into the data, or explore the Digital Opportunity Resource finder.
What does all this mean?
High-speed internet service is a necessity in the 21st century. The internet must be accessible, affordable, navigable and safe so all Texans can use it to find opportunity and meet their everyday needs.
Texas has a plan.
To learn more about the issues, the data, and the current Texas Digital Opportunity Plan, click below.
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